
Human resources and transformation business unit

Deviation from planned

Actual achievement 2012/13

Actual achievement 2011/12

Comment on deviations

Planned target 2012/13

Performance indicator

target to actual achievement for 2012/13

Target achieved


Human resources plan approved on 5 February 2013 and appointments for new structure made on a continuous basis. For all the 26 identi ½ ed posts, job descriptions and post evaluations were completed. An additional 21 post descriptions and 10 post Draft migration plan updated and completed to re ¾ ect amendments to the approved structure including the creation of additional divisions evaluations were also completed.

Completed and approved human resources plan

Human capital strategy completed but however not yet submitted for approval. The ½ nalisation and implementation of the strategy is still dependent on the completion of the re-engineering processes, implementation of the ERP system and the physical re-location. All identi ½ ed job descriptions were done and identi ½ ed posts

Approved human resources plan and implemented structure

Target exceeded -

Completed job descriptions and job evaluations

The implementation of a new ½ nancial and production system in October 2012, changes to the approved structure to incorporate additional divisions and the new facility not being completed contributed to the delay in achieving the target.The implementation of the migration plan including revised business processes and post provisions was based on assumptions that the new facility would be completed. Once EXCO approves the updated migration plan, consultation with organised labour in the departmental bargaining council needs to take place before implementation

Target partially achieved. Draft migration plan was completed but not approved and

Implemented migration plan

job evaluated. 95% of posts (102) were advertised and

implemented. The approved structure was changed which had a direct impact on the

69% (74 out of a total of 107) ½ lled.

such as the new identity card and ½ nishing divisions

implementation of the migration plan



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