Human resources and transformation business unit
Deviation from planned
Actual achievement 2011/12
Actual achievement 2012/13
Strategic objectives
Planned target 2012/13
Comment on deviations
target to actual achievement for 2012/13
Filled posts in accordance with human resources staf ½ ng plan
Two of the eight identi ½ ed posts were ½ lled. Interviews were conducted for a further two posts, short listing completed for one more post whilst the short listing of the outstanding three posts has been scheduled for the ½ rst quarter of 2013/2014. For all other staff 60 of the 66 identi ½ ed posts were ½ lled in accordance with the human resources staf ½ ng plan and within the fourth quarter target of 90% of other funded posts ½ lled in accordance with human resources staf ½ ng plan Human resources development plan that addresses development of employees and training structures was approved in . anuary 2013 and will be effective from 1 April 2013 entered into to provide training to the GPW’s employees 1718 training days were provided compared to the target of 1200 days (43% above target).This relate to an average of 3.1 average training days per person compared to the target of two Four training partnerships were
Target partially achieved
The delay in the ½ lling of the two general manager posts (strategic management and human resources) impacted on the ½ lling of other senior management positions.
Training and development plan: develop and implement a training and development plan
The workplace skills plan was
Approved human resources development plan
Target achieved
completed, one training
partnership was entered into and an average of one training day per person was achieved
Two training partnerships entered into
Target exceeded -
Two training days per person
Target exceeded Extensive ERP training to prepare for the ERP system to go live
1 October 2012 as well as training on health and safety resulted in the target being exceeded
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