
125 year anniversary


Branch strategic management

Deviation from planned

Actual achievement 2011/12

Actual achievement 2012/13

Strategic objectives

Planned target 2012/13

Comment on deviations

target to actual achievement for 2012/13

Information communication technology - continued Implement the

Target achieved


Implementation of integration points between Hi ¾ ex and AX to transfer data from one system to the other for estimation, order entry, scheduling and invoicing stock completed.

Implemented integration module of the Ubumbano Project

Completed the analysis and design for the planned GPW ERP implementation. The ERP solution consists of an integrated business and production system, intranet, e-Gazette, public website and the implementation of VIP payroll.The original timeline for implementation was for April 2012 but was moved to October 2012. The intranet was implemented in head of ½ ce in . uly 2011.

integration module of the Ubumbano Project

Target achieved


A formal approach to the ICT helpdesk was implemented.This approach comprised of ICT service management processes and an ICT system to assist with the recording, classi ½ cation and monitoring of ICT support calls within the GPW. The management information system developed and implemented as part of the ERP system will support business by providing information that facilitates strategic

Reviewed and re ½ ned helpdesk function

Functional ICT helpdesk

New strategic objective for 2012/13

Implement management information system support

New strategic objective for 2012/13

Reviewed and re ½ ned management system support

Target achieved

Further re ½ nement of the management information system is dependent on the completion of ERP enhancements

and operational decision-making


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