
Branch strategic management

Deviation from planned

Actual achievement 2011/12

Actual achievement 2012/13

Strategic objectives

Planned target 2012/13

Comment on deviations

target to actual achievement for 2012/13

Information communication technology - continued Implementation of recommendation by ICT assurance providers Final report and ½ ndings received from assurance

The recommendation of ICT continuity has been addressed partially through the ICT disaster recovery site in the process of being built and the BCM plan in the process of being developed.

Disaster recovery has been delayed by the slow completion of the facilities.This will now be completed by . une 2013

50% implementation of recommendation by ICT assurance providers

Four of the ½ ve recommended areas have been addressed and the one area partially

providers and road map for implementation to be ½ nalised, approved and implemented

addressed.The target of 50% (cumulative) implementation of recommendation by ICT assurance providers was exceeded.The recommendations implemented included: ICT governance policy developed and implemented. ICT policies reviewed and updated A new environmental management system implemented and environmental standards de ½ ned. New ERP system is fully integrated Within the active directory environment and will bene ½ t from

the established user account policies and procedures.



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