
Branch strategic management

Deviation from planned

Actual achievement 2011/12

Actual achievement 2012/13

Strategic objectives

Planned target 2012/13

Comment on deviations

target to actual achievement for 2012/13

Security - continued

Implemented security risk management plan

Security risk management plan not yet approved

Target partially achieved. A draft security risk management plan is in place but requires specialist input to complete, which is sought through the tender process

The delay in approved security

risk management plan holds up the roll-out of an improved security system. However, the existing systems are being maintained and monitored on an on going basis

75% of identi ½ ed staff trained and evaluated for security competence 70% of structure established

National key point refresher course was attended by all security of ½ cers As part of the target to establish national key point structures 3 . oint Planning Committee ( . PC) meetings took place and 3 control security of ½ cers were

Target achieved


Target achieved


appointed as shift leaders with effect from the 1st of March 2013

Internal audit Internal audit –

83% of all audits identi ½ ed according to revised internal audit plan completed in the ½ nancial year

100% monthly risk management compliance/ improvement reports for identi ½ ed risk areas

An overall strategic and operational risk assessment was completed in

Target achieved


to provide an independent, objective assurance and consulting services

March 2013. Prior to completion of the risk registers internal audit identi ½ ed risks as part of each audit and made recommendations after testing of internal controls to address identi ½ ed risks All internal audit policies updated and approved by the audit committee

50% internal audit policies updated

Target achieved




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