
125 year anniversary


Branch strategic management

Deviation from planned

Actual achievement 2011/12

Actual achievement 2012/13

Strategic objectives

Planned target 2012/13

Comment on deviations

target to actual achievement for 2012/13

Marketing - continued Marketing strategy: Aggressive

Completed and approved marketing strategy

Marketing strategy not completed

Target not achieved

Progress made regarding marketing is the appointment of the General Manager: Strategic Management who oversees the marketing function. The appointment was only made after the current ½ nancial year-end. Immediate actions to capacitate marketing were launched through the pending appointment of the Chief Director: Marketing. Discussions on the basis of the marketing strategy have been initiated with the GPW leadership. Due to the security nature of the GPW main business the positioning of a strategy is very complex but it is anticipated that the marketing strategy will be completed in 2013/14

marketing strategy to retain and grow the market

1 new customer

Nine new customers were registered and traded with

Target exceeded -

Security Security risk management

Security risk management plan drafted, security staff

100% of identi ½ ed staff graded in terms of security criteria

Security screening awareness presentations were conducted to the majority staff of the GPW

Target partially achieved. Staff were not graded in terms of security criteria but were made aware of the requirements and necessity of

Apprehension by staff to submit information for screening purpose due to ignorance and lack of knowledge addressed by conducting screening awareness presentations

system: develop and implement a security risk management system

trained, security compliance form ½ led and meetings to support national key point structures conducted

complying with security criteria


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