
Branch strategic management

Deviation from planned

Actual achievement 2011/12

Actual achievement 2012/13

Strategic objectives

Planned target 2012/13

Comment on deviations

target to actual achievement for 2012/13

Information communication technology - continued ICT support services:

New strategic objective for 2012/13

Review and re ½ ne helpdesk function

A formal approach to the ICT helpdesk was

Target achieved


Implement ICT support services

implemented. This approach comprised of ICT

service management processes and an ICT system to assist with the recording, classi ½ cation and monitoring of ICT support calls within the GPW

Review and re ½ ne management support system

The management information system developed and

Target achieved

implemented as part of the ERP system support business by providing information that facilitates strategic and operational decision making

Marketing Awareness of GPW:

No progress in the area of marketing because dedicated capacity not yet appointed

Develop brand (and logo)

New brand and logo not yet developed

The GPW retains its current branding until the organisation has completed the current transformation process

The GPW needs to fully adopt its new identity and put that identity into a brand which will then be developed and communicated

Raise and increase awareness of the GPW including new/improved production capacity and capabilities Product mix HMZIVWM½GEXMSR Diversi ½ cation of product mix within security printing

One new product developed

Top product developments include: - New RSA birth certi ½ cate for the DHA - New national certi ½ cate and diploma for the Department of Higher Education - New senior certi ½ cate for the Department of Basic Education

Target exceeded -



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