
125 year anniversary


Branch strategic management Purpose: Facilitating the development, alignment and implementation of the strategic plan and related policies and procedures; marketing of the GPW’s products and services; the provisioning of information communication and technology services and the rendering of legal services. Strategic objectives per annual performance plan: Coordination and distribution of government information – ensure the effective and ef ½ cient coordination and distribution of government information to the public; Secure application availability – provide high availability of applications and high security on infrastructure; Architecture – provide architecture for continuous printing process improvement; Integrated systems – integrate systems and data across the entire GPW value chain; ICT support services – implement ICT support services; Awareness of GPW – raise and increase awareness of the GPW including new/improved production capacity and capabilities; Strategic objectives, performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements: The upgrade of information technology and communication hardware and software within the GPW resulted in various excellent areas of improvement including: being visible on the world wide web, publishing Gazettes electronically and establishing an ICT call centre/helpdesk.The unit was able to provide high availability of applications and high security on infrastructure. The Ubumbano Project (ERP) was implemented in October 2012, with the purpose of improving and streamlining internal business processes, especially with regard to activity based costing and to manage and integrate the core elements of the organisation. This initiative forms part of the overall strategic objective to optimise processes and facilities, as well as increase customer service. The one area in which the unit could not perform effectively was marketing. A new brand, logo or marketing strategy cannot be developed until the organisation has completed the current transformation process. Progress made regarding marketing is the appointment of the general manager: strategic management, who oversees the marketing function. The appointment was only made after the current ½ nancial year end. It is anticipated that the marketing strategy will be completed in 2013/14. Despite a lack of resources, the GPW was able to develop and deliver new products, including the new RSA birth certi ½ cate for the DHA, the new national certi ½ cate and diploma for Department of Higher Education and the new senior certi ½ cate for Department of Basic Education. Product mix diversi ½ cation – diversi ½ cation of product mix within security printing; Marketing strategy – aggressive marketing strategy to retain and grow the market; Security risk management system – develop and implement a security risk management system; and Internal audit – to provide an independent, objective assurance and consulting services.


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