
A further major achievement was the completion and approval of the human resources plan and the human resources development plan that demonstrate the HR unit’s contribution to the strategic outcome-oriented goal for an ef ½ cient, effective and well-trained/developed workforce providing quality human resources to enable the GPW to achieve its objectives. The HR unit continues to perform in the area of training and skills transfer where the targets for training partnerships and training days were exceeded.The targets set for the implementation of the migration plan, the ½ lling of all identi ½ ed senior management posts and for an approved and implemented GPW special remuneration dispensation were all only partially achieved. It is anticipated that the ½ lling of the senior management posts, as well as the ½ nalisation of the migration process, will be completed early in 2013/2014 as progress is in an advanced stage. The approval for GPW special remuneration dispensation falls outside the approval authority of the GPW.

/I] TSPMG] HIZIPSTQIRXW ERH PIKMWPEXMZI GLERKIW During the year there were no key policy developments or legislative changes.

7XVEXIKMG SYXGSQI SVMIRXIH KSEPW The following strategic outcome-oriented goals have been identi ½ ed for the GPW for the period 2013-2018:

Strategic outcome- oriented goal one

Develop the government component

Goal statement

Fully develop the government component organisation to perform as a sustainable ring fenced business entity with ¾ exibility and within regulated parameters

Strategic outcome- oriented goal two

Optimise processes and facilities

Goal statement

Optimise processes and facilities to increase operational effectiveness and improved customer service

Strategic outcome- oriented goal three

Developed workforce

Goal statement

Have an ef ½ cient, effective and well-trained/developed workforce and special remuneration dispensation for the government component

For the 2012/13 period, a number of strides have been made towards achieving the strategic outcome oriented goals. The operations and production branch continued with its performance of producing high quality products on a timely basis in accordance with client speci ½ cations. During the year, the GPW was able to upgrade its information technology and communications hardware and software for the improvement and streamlining of internal business processes to manage and integrate the core elements of the organisation. As a result, various initiatives to contribute towards the strategic outcome-oriented goal of optimising processes and facilities could be launched and implemented.

A further major achievement was the completion and approval of the Human Resource Plan and the Human Resource Development Plan that demonstrate the human resources unit’s contribution to the strategic outcome oriented goal to



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