125 year anniversary
have an ef ½ cient, effective and well-trained/developed workforce providing quality human resources to enable GPW to achieve its objectives. The Human Resources Unit continues to perform in the area of training and skills transfer where the targets for training partnerships and training days were exceeded.
The achievement of the above outcomes contributed directly to the GPW’s outcome of growing towards becoming the leading provider of security printing services on the African continent.
4IVJSVQERGI MRJSVQEXMSR F] FYWMRIWW YRMXW For the year under review, the GPW has used the strategic outcome-oriented goals and strategic objectives de ½ ned in its strategic plan as a basis to develop the performance indicators and annual targets for the different business units, taking guidelines for planning and reporting on performance information issued by the National Treasury. The GPW business model provides (in addition to compliance functions such as internal audit) for the following four branches: Operations and production Strategic management
Financial services Human resources
The performance in the different branches is set out below.
Branch operations and production Purpose: To establish itself as the preferred security printer on the African continent, dedicated to helping its customers solve the complex security problems of identity theft and document fraud.
Strategic objectives: Functional and secure operating facilities - occupy functional and secure operating facilities;
Production equipment - acquire modern production equipment to satisfy all security printing requirements; Production of security printed materials - produce security printed material according to customer requirements and local/international standards at the most cost effective manner and within the agreed delivery lead times; and Operational and control processes - develop and maintain all operational and control processes to safeguard the integrity of security material. Strategic objectives, performance indicators, planned targets and actual achievements: The operations and production branch was able to achieve all the targets set for the 2012/13 ½ nancial year, with the exception of the targets of turnaround time (3.3 days vs three days average turnover), procurement of production equipment (9 vs 10 pieces of equipment) and spoilage percentages (2.8% vs 2.2%) that showed an insigni ½ cant deviation from set targets. The branch contributed directly to the strategic outcome-oriented goal to optimise processes and facilities to increase operational effectiveness and improved customer service by completing the feasibility study of the new facility. The operational business unit of GPW is proud to report that the targets set for the production of identity
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