Economic Development Annual Report

Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6

Achievements of the public entity

Available bulk infrastructure is capable of supporting the development. MEGA is the only government agency entity best placed to drive the envisaged industrial development around the MIFPM. Issues envisaged in

the balance of the MIFPM land include warehousing and packaging, co-operative sales, bulk retails trade, factory shops, retail trade, offices, retail shops, government use, agricultural related Institutions, offices, research and development, and laboratories.

Once the issue of land ownership is settled, MEGA will embark on an investment attraction drive for the precinct. MIFPM Operationalization

The handing over of the MIFPM operationalization process to DARDLEA has been completed.


spent by

the public entity

Key Outputs of the public entity Amount transferred to the public entity

Name of

Public Entity


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