Economic Development Annual Report
Annual Report 2023/2024 Mpumalanga: Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Vote 6
Achievements of the public entity
Revitalization of MEGA’s Industrial parks (i.e. Ekandustria, Kabokweni and Siyabuswa industrial Parks):
Preparation of development master and business plans for Kabokweni and Siyabuswa industrial Parks has been completed. Appointment of the facilities management
company as a way of improving existing operations within Ekandustria industrial park has been finalized. A service level agreement (SLA) has already been concluded with
the appointed service provider and work has commenced. Further to the above, agreement has been reached on the structure that will drive the Ekandustria revitalization programme. To this end a senior member of the Properties and Infrastructure’s management team has been nominated to represent MEGA’s interests in the envisaged special purpose vehicle (SPV) that will run the Park. Industrial Development within the MIFPM Precinct:
The Farm Boschrand, in extent 259 Hectares, was purchased by the Mpumalanga Provincial government from HL Hall
sons, primarily for the development of the Mpumalanga International Fresh Produce Market (MIFPM) with a larger
agricultural technology industrial park. The fresh produce market is, amongst other things, meant to be a catalyst for the development of the envisaged industrial park. The
market building and other related top structures currently sit on 44 Hectares of the 259 hectares, which still leaves more
than 200 hectares available for industrial development. There already are serviced vacant stands that may be developed immediately for industrial use outside of the demarcated MIFPM area.
spent by
the public entity
Key Outputs of the public entity Amount transferred to the public entity
100 Name of
Public Entity
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