DST 4th Edition Handbook INTERACTIVE

4 TH Edition

Contract Management This policy has been developed to govern the management of the relationship between the Department and its service providers. The policy focuses on advancing uniform management of contracts and promoting a strong management foundation for major investments and projects of the Department. Petty Cash Policy This policy regulates the administration and use of the Department’s petty cash float. It controls payment, approval, and processing, providing a reasonable assurance that all expenditure is necessary, appropriate, paid promptly, and are adequately recorded and reported. Note: Only those permanently employed by the Department and remunerated through Persal may work with petty cash. Procurement This policy ensures that procurement is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive, and cost-effective, and that it complies with the relevant legislation.

Travel and Accommodation This policy ensures the cost-effective and efficient use of Departmental funds when employees travel on official business, the protection of employees travelling on DST business, and adherence to standards and best practices. Note: This policy does not cover personal development activities fully funded by the individual and undertaken voluntarily during periods of leave without the authority or delegation of the DST . Management of Losses and Claims This policy provides a framework within which the Department will prevent, limit, or reduce losses and the theft of its resources.



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