Annual Report 2023-2024

efficient utilisation of immovable assets, management of leases, estates, and payment of creditors for allocated areas, management of acquisition and disposal of immovable properties, and facilitation of property development.

The Public Works Programme covers the work of the following sub-programmes: Sub-programme Purpose Health Infrastructure, Maintenance and Technical Portfolio Support Branch

To provide infrastructure planning, design and construction management, maintenance, and technical support services for health facilities in the province.

Education and General Provincial Government Building Infrastructure, Maintenance and Technical Portfolio Support Branch To provide infrastructure planning, design, and construction management, maintenance, and technical support services for education; sports, arts, culture, and recreation; roads and transport; agriculture and rural development; social development and the DID’s facilities in the province. Property Management Chief Directorate To manage the property portfolio of the province; to establish and manage

the provincial strategic and infrastructure plan; to provide accommodation all provincial departments and other institutions; to acquire and dispose of accommodation in terms of the plan and in terms of the Land Administration Acts,1998, which entails; • Acquiring and disposal of properties; • Lease administration; • Revenue generation; • Management of the asset registers; • Monitor the utilisation of Provincial Government facilities; and • Management of payment of all utilities. To manage infrastructure research, longer-term Infrastructure planning and projects, programme and portfolio management of systems and standards.

Infrastructure Research, Planning and Systems

List of institutional outcomes that Programme 2 contributes towards. • Outcome 1: Optimised public-owned fixed property portfolio • Outcome 2: Efficient and effective delivery of smart public infrastructure • Outcome 3: Functional, reliable, and compliant infrastructure • Outcome 6: Capable, ethical, and developmental organisation



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