Annual Report 2023-2024
Outcomes, Outputs, Output Indicators, Targets and Actual Achievements
Vested with the responsibility to champion socio-economic infrastructure delivery investment and management in GPG, the Department delivered on its CAPEX and Maintenance targets. Deliverables attained include the designs project for 25 facilities, completion of also about 25 capital projects, including the construction of the new Bramfischerville Primary School, construction of Kekanastad New Clinic, and sectional completion of Bantu Bonke Early Childhood Development Centre. Moreover, upgrades were done at Laerskool Frikkie Meyer School, LG Holele, Germiston High, Ribane Laka Secondary and Mayibuye Primary School which entailed the construction sewer line, access road, pedestrian sidewalk and changing the waterline. Upgrades were also completed at Dr Fabian & Florence Ribeiro Treatment Centre. Through the above outcomes on property optimisation and the efficient and effective public infrastructure delivery, the Department contributes positively to social and economic development. This is crucial as the achievement of targets can be viewed through the lens of delivering social and economic justice to our people. The Department, through its mandate, places an emphasis on the implementation of infrastructure and maintenance projects on behalf of all Gauteng Provincial Government Departments. Maintenance projects include assessments, routine and planned maintenance, renovations, refurbishments, and upgrades. The Department prides itself on its capabilities in delivering modern and state-of-art infrastructure projects and appropriately managing the asset register. The Department derives its mandate from the Government Immovable Assets Management Act 2007, which aims at providing for a uniform immovable assets framework thus promoting accountability and transparency. Therefore, the organisation has verified 6 585 assets in the immovable assets register. Notwithstanding the above, there were notable achievements in the release of 20 properties. Roodekrans and Highveld 14 were some of the released for socio-economic infrastructure development and GDARD Tshwane and DCS-PIOCC to user department for office accommodation, among others. An amount of approximately R22.4 million was collected for revenue generation, while about R962 million was paid in rates and taxes.
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