Sub-programme: Municipal Financial Support
Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2016/2017
Actual Achievement 2017/2018
Actual Achievement 2018/2019
Planned Target 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Comment on deviations
Performance Indicator
Number of municipalities supported with revenue experts to strengthen the Integrat - ed Revenue Enhancement and Debtors Management.
New indica- tor.
New indica- tor.
New indica- tor.
2 Munic- ipalities support- ed with revenue
2 Munici- palities sup - ported with revenue experts to develop an Integrated Revenue En- hancement and Debtors Manage-
experts to develop an Integrated Revenue Enhance - ment and Debtors Manage- ment Plan. (Emfuleni and Mer- afong City LMs). OPCA PCCs con- vened to p r o v i d e a d v i s o r y support to municipali- ties on the implemen- tation of the audit r e s pon s e plan. 2
ment Plan (Emfuleni and Mer- afong City LMs).
Number of OPCA PCCs con- vened to pro- vide advisory support to mu- nicipalities on the implemen - tation of the audit response plan.
New indica- tor.
New indica- tor.
New indica- tor.
2 OPCA PCCs convened to provide advi- sory support to munici- palities on the imple - mentation of the audit re - sponse plan.
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 45
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