Sub-programme: Municipal Financial Support
Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2016/2017
Actual Achievement 2017/2018
Actual Achievement 2018/2019
Planned Target 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Comment on deviations
Performance Indicator
Number of Municipalities provided with financial sup - port to update and maintain Infrastructure Asset Registers in line with the GRAP 17 requirements.
4 Munic- ipalities
4 Munic- ipalities provided
4 Munic- ipalities provided
3 Munic- ipalities provid- ed with financial support to up- date and maintain
3 Munici- palities pro - vided with financial support to update and maintain Infrastruc- ture Asset Registers in line with the GRAP 17 re- quirements. (Rand-West City, Lesedi, Emfuleni, LMs).
were sup- ported to update and maintain Infrastruc- ture Asset registers in line with GRAP 17 re- quirements. (Lesedi, Randfon- tein, West- onaria and Merafong City).
with finan - cial support to update Infrastruc- ture Asset Registers in line with the GRAP 17 re- quirement. (Rand-West City, Mera- fong, Lesedi
with finan - cial support update Infrastruc- ture Asset Registers in line with the GRAP 17 require- ments. (Rand-West City, Mera- fong, Lese- di, Emfuleni LMs). 2 Munici- palities sup - ported with additional capacity to imple- ment the developed simplified revenue plans (Em- fuleni and Rand-West City).
Infrastruc- ture Asset Registers in line with the GRAP 17 require- ments. (Rand- West City, Lesedi, Emfuleni LMs). to imple- ment the simplified revenue plans. (Em- fuleni and Rand-West City). 2 Munic- ipalities support- ed with capacity to imple- ment the developed simplified revenue plan (Le- sedi and Merafong Local Mu- nicipality). 2 Munic- ipalities provid- ed with capacity
and Emfu- leni LMs).
Number of Municipalities supported with addition - al capacity to implement the developed sim- plified revenue plans.
81% col- lection of
2 Munic- ipalities
2 Municipal- ities were
top 500 business debtors in local munic- ipalities.
(Emfuleni and Rand- West City) supported to improve
provid- ed with
capacity to implement the simpli - fied revenue plans. (Em- fuleni and Rand-West City).
revenue manage- ment
through an assessment of the status of the Rev - enue Value chains. New Indica- tor.
Number of municipalities supported with capacity to implement the simplified revenue plan.
New Indica- tor.
New Indica- tor.
2 Munici- palities sup - ported with capacity to implement the devel - oped simpli- fied revenue plan (Lesedi and Mera- fong Local Municipal- ity).
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 44
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