Sub-programme: Back 2 Basics
Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2016/2017
Actual Achievement 2017/2018
Actual Achievement 2018/2019
Planned Target 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Comment on deviations
Performance Indicator
Report on the imple - mentation of Back-to- Basics action plans by mu- nicipalities (Outcome 9, Sub-out- come 4) (B2B Pillar 5).
Improve- ment of the Westonaria and Rand- fontein Municipal- ities from municipali- ties at risk to doing well.
3 Local mu- nicipalities: Out of 67 combined priority supporting actions, 49 (73%) are achieved and 7 (10%) shown pro - gress. The merger of Westonaria and Rand- fontein led to the four municipali- ties becom - Westonaria/ Randfontein, Emfuleni and Mera- fong Local Municipali- ties). ing three (Merged
4 Reports on the imple - mentation of Back to Basics sup- port plans by munici- palities.
4 Reports on the imple - mentation of Back to Basics action plans by mu- nicipalities.
4 Reports on the imple - mentation of Back to Basics action plans by mu- nicipalities.
Deviation from planned target to Actual Achievement for 2019/2020
Comment on deviations
Actual Achievement 2019/2020
Actual Achievement 2018/2019
Planned Target 2019/2020
Strategic objectives
To improve financial and institutional stability within municipalities by 2020.
11 Municipalities supported to enhance financial and institutional stability.
11 Municipalities supported to enhance financial and institutional stability.
11 Municipalities supported to enhance financial and institutional stability.
G A U T E N G P R O V I N C I A L G O V E R N M E N T I C O- O P E R A T I V E G O V E R N A N C E A N D T R A D I T I O N A L A F F A I R S ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 43
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