CAV Annual Report 2021
Deviation from planned target to actual achievements 2020/21 Deviation Once the ICT infrastructure framework is developed by SITA, the procurement process for the ICT infrastructure will commence. It is anticipated for the procurement process and installation to be concluded in the fourth quarter of the 2021/22 financial year.
Actual Achievements 2020/21 Not Achieved The specifications for the required ICT infrastructure
Performance Indicator Annual target 2020/21
Number of ICT infrastructure procured as set out in the ICT strategy during Q4 of 2020/21.
Number of ICT infrastructure procured as set out in the ICT strategy during Q4 of 2020/21. 1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Server 2. Enterprise Active Directory Server (AD) 3. Enterprise Storage solution (share drive) 4. Network Operating System Server (NOS) software, 2019 5. Enterprise Backup solution server (On-site)
were developed. However, the procurement process had to be put on hold in order to enable the SITA to develop an ICT infrastructure framework, which includes the ICT architecture.
Risk Management Number of risk management reports submitted in line with the approved risk management strategy to the A&RC on a quarterly basis
Not Achieved 3* Risk management reports submitted to the relevant authority.
Deviation The Q1 report could not be submitted due to COVID-19 Lockdown.
4* Risk management reports submitted to the A&RC
Deviation from planned target to actual achievements 2020/21
Actual Achievements 2020/21
Performance Indicator Annual target 2020/21
Landside Development Conclude the CAV external utility services for the Landside Development Phase by issuing a final acceptance certificate upon concluding works for water and sanitation, roads and storm water and electricity by 2020/21.
Conclude all external utility services that is roads & storm- water services as well as water & sanitation services: 1. Roads & Stormwater will be concluded through: • Drawings & Wayleave approved by City of Tshwane Municipality (Q1);
Not Achieved The drawings for Stormwater were provisionally approved by CoT. A revised version of roads (van Ryneveld & van der Spuy intersection) drawings was submitted during the quarter under review.
Deviation The final drawings approval for roads & stormwater was not received from CoT within 2020/21FY.
Not Achieved
Deviation At the end of 2020/21FY, the Environmental Consultants were still re-evaluating the requirement for an EA process for storm-water services.
• Environmental Authorisation (EA) approved by Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) (Q3);
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