CAV Annual Report 2021


Deviation from planned target to actual achievements 2020/21

Actual Achievements 2020/21

Performance Indicator Annual target 2020/21

Not Achieved • 100 % External Audit findings; and • 48 % of the management

Deviation The unimplemented action plans are being attended to and would be completed in the 2021/2022 financial year.

Percentage of management action plans for Internal Audit & External Audit findings implemented by management as reported to the A&RC on a biannual basis. Achieve clean audit outcome on annual financial statements. (quarterly CAV reports and annual report) in line with the timeframes prescribed by PFMA to relevant authorities: A&R Committee, Board and the dtic

100% management action plans for Internal Audit & External Audit findings implemented by management as reported to the A&RC: Q3 2020/21 & Q4 2020/21.

action plans for the Internal Audit have been implemented by management.

Achieved Clean audit outcome achieved for 2019/20 financial year

No Deviation

Clean audit outcome achieved on annual financial statement for 2019/20 financial year. Q2 2020/21 5* reports (quarterly reports and annual report) in line with the timeframes prescribed by PFMA to relevant authorities: A&R Committee, Board and the dtic: 4* Quarterly reports within 30 days after the quarter ended to relevant authorities 1* Annual report for the period 2019/20 to relevant authorities: Q2 2020/21 1 * Human Resources strategy and plan approved: • 1* Human Resources strategy and plan for 2021/22 recommended by HR & Remuneration Committee and approved by Board: Q4 2020/21 Number of ICT framework and strategic plan approved by the Board during Q4 of 2020/2021 The following are the documents: 1. ICT governance framework 2. ICT Strategic plan 3. ICT Policy

Company Secretariat & Legal Services Number of reports

Not Achieved 4* Quarterly performance reports were submitted to the dtic on a quarterly basis. 1* Annual report for the period 2019/20 financial year was submitted to the relevant authorities during the 2020/21 FY.

Deviation Q3 Report was submitted 30 days after the quarter ended to the relevant authorities.

Human Capital Management Number of Human

Achieved 1* Human Resource Strategy and Plan for 2021/2022 was approved by the Board during the quarter

No Deviation

Resources strategy and plans approved by the Board/ HR & Remco or the CEO in line with the delegation of authority (DoA) on an annual basis.

Information and Technology Management Number of ICT framework and strategic plan approved by the Board during Q4 of 2020/2021

Not Achieved Engaged with SITA (as a state-owned entity and the custodian of the public sector ICT infrastructure implementation framework) to scope the specification of the architectural frameworks for the CAV to derive the ICT framework documents.

Deviation It was agreed with SITA to assist the CAV in drafting and developing an ICT framework document specification to derive the necessary ICT requirements including the ICT infrastructure requirements. It is expected to be concluded in the second quarter of the 2021/22 financial year.



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