Social Pillars

Progress Update

Human Capital and Labour Management Employee diversity and Inclusion

Out of 3 864 Rand Water staff compliment (permanent and fixed term/ temporary) employees, there is an overall 90% African representation, followed by 5% Whites, 3% Indians and 2% Coloureds. In addition, there are seven (7) foreign nationals, representing only 0.18% of the total workforce. As at end of June 2023, female employees represented 43% of the total employee population. Female appointments at supervisory and management made up 84% of the total appointments, way above the target of 54%. As at end of June 2023, a total of 109 PWD workforce was recorded. This makes 2.8% of the total workforce, above the 2% national sector target. During 2022/23, 447 new jobs were created, both permanent and temporary. Employee turnover was 2.33% at the end of the year against the target of 5%. There were no incidents reported on discrimination and human rights cases.

% Female Employees

% Female Representation at supervisory to senior management levels (M -Q).

% Employee with disabilities

New employees

% Employee turnover

Discrimination and Human Rights incidents.

Human capacity development (Employee skills -development).

5 817 training interventions per occupational level were completed.

Health and wellness of employees.

Wellness Programmes have been put in place to ensure that employees perform at their best and achieve their optimum levels of productivity. Employee Wellness Programmes are part of the organisational non monetary rewards system. Employee Assistance Interventions and Preventative Services have been provided to most of our employees.

Employees covered under collective bargaining agreements.

The percentage of employees covered under labour unions is at 84.8%.


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