Environmental Pillar

Progress Update

Sanitation Activities Section 63 (Ministerial directives)

Rand Water received a directive to be an implementing agent for the Vaal River System intervention and Section 63 of Water Services Act No. 108 of 1997 intervention which entails taking over the water services function at Emfuleni Local Municipality to undertake management, operations and maintenance of the water and sanitation infrastructure, refurbishment, upgrade for the reticulation system and bulk water services infrastructure, water conservation, water demand management, and capacitation of Metsi-a-Lekoa. The Implementing Agent agreement between Rand Water and DWS was signed on 5 October 2021. To date, we have implemented various programmes in this project. Emfuleni Reclamation Plant: • 50 Mℓ/d (yield), Business case assessments completed. • MoU and NDA have been signed with Sasol Operations as one of the prospective clients. We have created 2 408 job opportunities through Rand Water Foundation (RWF) and contracts implementing infrastructure projects for communities in and around Rand Water’s various sites, and 131 community members were employed in implementing various Socio Economic Development (SED) projects. 44 Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMME’s) were contracted to implement SED projects. Through the Rand Water Foundation, we have completed 18 SED projects to the total of R6.9 million and spent R72.5 million for the implementing partners on socioeconomic development contributions. Three (3) implementing partners were contracted to manage the projects. Rand Water achieved its Procurement spent with designated groups with 115% against the target of 85%. Rand Water Foundation (RWF) exists to carry out the social responsibility role of Rand Water, and to support such other activities as may be deemed necessary by Rand Water and relevant donors for the support and promotion of improved water related services within the borders of South Africa. Progress Update

Reclamation plants

Social Pillars

Social responsibilities/ opportunities

Jobs created

SMME’s contracted

Socio-Economic Development

Access to finance (procurement budget and spent for local suppliers and vulnerable groups).

Involvement with social partners


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