Engaging with the general public Despite incessant efforts, there still is a low level of awareness of the FASSET brand in the public eye. However, the public has been identified as an important target audience in communicating the FASSET story and creating awareness of the good work being done in this vital sector. Engagement with the general public is achieved nationally on various platforms such as digital media platforms, print and broadcast media partnered with, project showcases, learner graduations, and career exhibitions. Working with suppliers We continue to support the development of emerging African Black providers through our procurement processes. In terms of these processes, emerging suppliers are capacitated through information and tender briefing sessions on how to do business with us; and partnerships are encouraged with established businesses as stipulated in tender documents. The table below demonstrates our B-BBEE status reporting.
Working with government entities The government stakeholder group includes DHEST, the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training (PCHET), South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), the QCTO, SARS, National Treasury, AGSA, Parliament and inter-SETA forums. We engage with these stakeholders by submitting reports, attending meetings and discussion forums, and responding to requests for information. Our education and training stakeholders include professional bodies, private education and training providers, universities, universities of technology and TVET colleges. Refer to Figure 8 on page 32 of this AIR for details of engagements with these stakeholders during the year under review. High schools are also included in this group of stakeholders. We engage with schools through our career awareness, and the Maths and Accounting support programmes. Education and training providers and professional bodies
B-BBEE COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Has the Public Entity applied any relevant Code of Good Practice (B-BBEE Certificate Levels 1 – 8) with regards to the following? Criteria
Response Yes / No
Discussion (include a comment on your response and indicate what measures have been taken to comply) Fasset does not issue licenses,concessions or authorizations The Supply Chain Management policy is in place and covers the preferential procurement requirements.
Determining qualification criteria for the issuing of licences, concessions or other authorisations in respect of economic activity in terms of any law? Developing and implementing a preferential procurement policy? Determining qualification criteria for the sale of state- owned enterprises? Developing criteria for entering into partnerships with the private sector? Determining criteria for the awarding of incentives, grants and investment schemes in support of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment?
Not applicable to Fasset
Fasset is currently working on the criteria
51% Black owned businesses criteria is used in awarding funding to providers in terms of discretionary grants
FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21
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