Engagements with the Board and committees Details on the effectiveness of the Board and committee engagements are provided under Part C from page 59. Quality assurance Sector professional bodies have been responsible for quality assurance of most qualifications in the FAS sector since 1 August 2016 as a result of a revised delegation of quality assurance functions by the QCTO. FASSET issues certificates for these qualifications once the relevant professional body has confirmed a learner’s competence. FASSET also uploads learner registrations and results to the National Learner Records Database (NLRD) hosted by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The NLRD is the electronic information management system of the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and enables SAQA to report accurately on aspects of the education and training system in South Africa to provide policymakers with comprehensive information for evidence-based decision-making and policy planning. The resource also points to the types of qualifications required, over- and under-supplies of qualification, enables employers to confirm learner qualification status, and houses information that assists with career development and advice. FASSET has constantly received “green” status for the uploading of data according to SAQA requirements. This means all data submitted by FASSET to the NLRD is accurate and has been approved as per the requirements. To date, FASSET has issued the following certificates: - Learnerships – 226 - Qualifications - 1 927 - Skills Programmes – 1 916

Figure 9: Quality Assurance Partners




A list of acronyms has been provided in Annexure A page 122 of this report. In an interim arrangement by the QCTO, professional bodies continue to accredit and monitor skills development providers, and manage assessment and moderation. Organisational environment From an organisational perspective, the 2020/21 financial year was one of strengthening operational efficiencies and capacitation of the FASSET team in addition to making a quick and agile transition to remote, online work due to the Covid-19 lockdown measures which initially halted normal operations. While our strategies and skills development initiatives were aligned to national imperatives, the pandemic brought operations to a standstill providing the opportunity for reflection to determine the best response in the present, and rethinking our approach to the future. All our work teams, management and governance structures were able to reorganise themselves to be able to function virtually, enabling the organisation to move forward, albeit with some budget cuts and adjustments to plans reducing targets, objectives and corresponding outcomes to feasible levels under the circumstances. In response to findings raised by the Auditor-General in the 2019/20 financial year, much work was done in the 2020/21 review period towards establishing fully functioning departments as an alternative to outsourcing work. In this regard, key positions were recruited, and all our internal departments are functioning to capacity.

FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21


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