127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


4.1.2 Financial and Supply Chain Management The department submitted all required compliance reports in terms of the PFMA and other regulatory frameworks as per set timeframes. These included Section 40 (c) and 30-day payments, quarterly ¿ nancial statements, in-year monitoring (IYM) and quarterly ¿ nancial statements. The department achieved 95.02% of invoices paid within 30 days; 26.3% of spend was on women-owned companies, 8.8% on youth-owned companies and 0.007% on companies owned by PWDs. 4.1.3 Strategic Management The Strategic Management Unit consists of three sub-directorates: Monitoring and Evaluation, Strategic Planning and Performance Reporting. The sub-directorates provide support to core programmes. The following are the most signi ¿ cant functions performed during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. Strategic Planning supported the departmental programmes with two strategic planning sessions held on 23 and 24 August 2018 at the Turffontein Racecourse to compile the 2019/20 APP; and on 20 February 2019 at the Old Mutual Building, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg to ¿ nalise the 2019/20 APP. The APP was approved by the relevant authorities and submitted to Gauteng Provincial legislature on 28 February 2019. After initial approval of the 2019/20 APP, all Gauteng departments were requested to update their 2019/20 APPs to be in line with the 6th Administration. Two further meetings were arranged with programme managers on 28 June 2019 at the Gauteng Sports House, Doornfontein, Johannesburg and on 28-30 August at Turffontein Racecourse, Johannesburg. The APP was approved and submitted to the Gauteng Provincial Legislature on 30 October 2019. The Adjusted Operational Plans were also revised and submitted for approval to the Head of Department in the fourth quarter of 2019/20. Individual sessions were conducted with each directorate to provide support where required before ¿ nal approval of the plans.

resulted in the reduction of SMS posts to 32. The department had eight employees with disabilities by the end of the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. The department through its skills and development interventions provided a total of 18 training programmes that bene ¿ tted 438 employees (208 male and 230 female). These included: Workshop on National Quali ¿ cations Framework (NQF), Early Retirement Workshop, Sexual Harassment Workshop, Risk Assessment Training, Public Administration Learnership, Community Engagement Training, Report Writing, SACR Internal Induction, Disciplinary Code and Procedure Information Session, Security Awareness Information Session, Design and Develop Learning Material, ESS Grievance Procedure, Professional Cleaning Training, Women Seminar, Human Capital Management Roadshow, Compulsory Induction, Client Liaison - Customer Care and Security Training and Online Ethics Training). Employees could attend more than one training intervention such as short courses, workshops and information sessions. To enhance skills development, the department appointed 30 interns (13 male and 17 female) for a period of 2 years (1 November 2018 – 31 October 2020). The interns participating in the internship programme were provided with the opportunity to obtain ¿ rst-hand work experience. This was made possible by allocating each intern a mentor to provide guidance and support. Through the internal bursary programme, 79 employees (40 male and 39 female) were given opportunities to further their studies at recognised institutions of higher learning. To promote OHS Wellness, the department conducted 11 inspections in partnership with the Department of Labour. In partnership with the South African National Blood Service (SANBS), the department launched a Donate blood campaign at Head Of ¿ ce with a total of 35 people donating blood during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year.Aphysical wellness programme was implemented as part of efforts to encourage employees to adopt healthy lifestyles. Women and men’s seminars were conducted for employees with a focus on relationships, ¿ nancial management and mental health.



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