127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Table 10: Signi ¿ cant developments external to the Department, 2019/20 Signi ¿ cant Developments – External Impact On Demand For The Department Impact On Ability To Deliver Services Free internet access • Public demand for libraries to provide free internet access to enable users to access information. Libraries without free public internet access are not deemed credible in the 20th century. • The department‘s implementation of free internet and Wi-Fi has increased the relevance and usage of public libraries.
• Project management teams inclusive of all relevant stakeholders assisted with ensuring that the programme was delivered.
• Athletes and schools become demoralised and are lost to the sporting fraternity.
• Increased number of sports injuries that may lead to litigation. • Poor quality of participation due to uneven and unprepared surfaces/areas.
Lack of access to certain facilities due to factors such as community unrest • Negotiate agreement between three spheres of government (SACR, COGTA, local government); postpone event to a later date; or move the event to another venue. Incapacitated or no functional local structures • Strengthening local structures for ef ¿ cient and effective service delivery. • Support and improve the functionality of forums, clubs, NGOs, CBOs. • Improved access to facilities and increased number of people actively participating in community sport. • Partnership between two spheres of government in improving and maintaining facilities. • Collaboration on maintenance of facilities: budgets need to be agreed upon.
• Increased access of Gauteng citizenry to active recreation events.
• Increased number of participants and access to programmes.
• Required increase in logistics and support with equipment.
• This is good for the sector as the school sport code structures support the facilitation and professionalisation of school sport.
Unmaintained and vandalised facilities • Reduced implementation of programmes including participants.
• Further decentralisation of departmental programmes to avoid the need for catering and transport.
Solid intergovernmental relations in collaboration for integrated service delivery and equitable resource utilisation High cost of logistics such as transport, catering, attire and equipment
Increase in the number of clubs that participate in the Rural Sport Development programme
Establishment and building of school sport code structures
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