117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part A: General Information & Strategic Overview
A11.4 Alignment of Provincial and National Priorities National Development Plan MTSF Sub – Outcomes Schooling to 2030 GDE Priorities Set the qualifications of Grade R practitioners to NQF level 6 Target 1: Migration of ECD responsibilities, expansion of access and improving quality of education by 2024 Improve the professionalism, teaching skills, subject knowledge and computer literacy of educators throughout their entire career. Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR Priority 2: Strengthening Foundations across all Grades R-12 %age of Grade R learners with access to quality readers in class Target 1: Migration of ECD responsibilities, expansion of access and improving quality of education by 2024 Improve the access of children to quality early childhood development (ECD) below Grade 1. Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR Priority 2: Strengthening Foundations across all Grades R-12
Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR
Priority 2: Strengthening Foundations across all Grades R-12
Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR
Priority 2: Strengthening Foundations across all Grades R-12
Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR
Priority 2: Strengthening Foundations across all Grades R-12
Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR
Priority 2: Strengthening Foundations across all Grades R-12
Ensure that every learner has access to the minimum set of text books and workbooks required according to national policy
Improve the access of children to quality early childhood development (ECD) below Grade 1.
Ensure that every learner has access to the minimum set of textbooks and workbooks required according to national policy.
Ensure that every learner has access to the minimum set of textbooks and workbooks required according to national policy.
Target 1: Migration of ECD responsibilities, expansion of access and improving quality of education by 2024
Target 1: Migration of ECD responsibilities, expansion of access and improving quality of education by 2024
Target 1: Migration of ECD responsibilities, expansion of access and improving quality of education by 2024
Target 1: Migration of ECD responsibilities, expansion of access and improving quality of education by 2024
%age of Grade 1 learners who have attended Grade R
%age of learners in the appropriate population attending Grade R
Frequency of national evaluation of utilisation of Grade R readers and workbooks
%age of Grade R learners with access to workbooks by the start of the academic year
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 45
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