117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July

Part A: General Information & Strategic Overview

• Improved conditions of service, performance management and accountability. • These game-changers are critical at a macro-level to manage the sustained transformation of the education sector in Gauteng. A11.2 Organisational Environment The Department will continue to fulfill its policy mandate of providing policy direction, resourcing, advocacy and strategic oversight of education in the province. The Department will ensure accountability to improve the quality of teaching and learning and ultimately learner performance. Head Office and District Offices will provide support and leadership to schools based on the school community, type of learners in the community, culture and abilities. • Improve the conditions of education, i.e. ensuring that schools receive the necessary affordable infrastructure and equipment, but more importantly that schools are managed and supported effectively. • Improve the educational environment by tackling issues of crime and social breakdown. • Improve the quality of education, by focusing on relevant curriculum packages, classroom management and activities and teacher competence and development. The districts are provided with support and capacity, ensuring that they provide effective support to schools. Requirements and resources vary widely from school to school and district to district which means support is contextualized and differentiated as required. Districts function through multi-functional development teams, which are the Department’s critical interface with schools. The District Offices are primarily responsible for providing educational management support services. The Head Office focus on a programmatic approach to curriculum implementation to ensure that Districts implement learning initiatives consistently within all schools, but providing more intensive support to under performing schools. The golden line for the implementation of teaching and learning at school level will run strongly from Head Office through District Offices and Circuit Teams and culminating in the classrooms of schools. To achieve a more equitable allocation of resources between districts based on need, i.e. focusing the bulk of the Department’s capacity where the need is the greatest, it was necessary to develop a model based on weighting the following key factors: Poverty, Size, and Performance. The Department’s service delivery model, will ensure improved coordination and integration across all levels, vertically and horizontally. The impact of the service delivery model will ensure sustained focused education service delivery at the point where education support is needed the most, namely school level. Some of the key areas are to:

Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 43

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