117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July

Over the period from 2012 to 2018 we have seen a rise in bachelor passes from 32,449 to 41,410. 6,398 more learners achieved bachelor passes in 2018 as compared to 2017. The number of learners qualifying for bachelor programmes at universities has shown an average percentage increase of 4.6% from 2012 to 2018. The focus for the 2019 academic year is to strengthen all our strategies and interventions to sustain and improve the quality of education across the education spectrum. The introduction of the Maths, Science and Technology conditional grant (which is a combination of the previous Dinaledi and Technical high school’s grants) is meant to improve bachelor passes in the Mathematics and Science subjects by extending the programme to the senior phase from Grade 7. There is clear consensus that the Department will continue to provide quality education and learning in every classroom. However, to consistently provide learners with quality education in a conducive learning environment does pose challenges. The increasing enrolment rate and the high demand for education places severe strain on the Department’s prevailing resources. The following remain the key challenges experienced by the GDE. • Limited access to ECD programmes. • Inadequate Pre-Grade R regulations. • Inadequacies in Literacy, Numeracy and Science. • Inadequate access to quality programmes for learners with Special Educational Needs. Identified challenges

• Finite set of resources for basic education. • Poor community and parental involvement. • Poor transition rates to higher education and/or places of work.

The Department’s primary and secondary school interventions will attempt to address the following:

• Increase access to quality ECD. • Improve the quality of teaching and learning. • Improve teacher competence and school management. • Increase accountability for improved learning. • Improve the infrastructure and learning materials to support effective education.

The following Game-changers have been identified to address some of the key educational challenges in the province:

• Implement Smart Classrooms with access to computers and broadband internet. • The prioritised aim of two years compulsory ECD before Grade 1. • Improved teacher competence.

42 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20

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