117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part A: General Information & Strategic Overview
A5. Transformation Modernisation and Re-industrialisation (TMR) The 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan articulates the strategic direction and the financial resources of the Department. The Department’s programmes will continue to respond to the NDP Goals and contribute to the Gauteng Provincial Government’s programme of Transformation, Modernisation and Reindustrialisation (TMR) and the provincial mandate of the Sixth Administration. GDE’s programmes respond to the TMR Pillar 1: Radical Economic Transformation: The province through the Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) will focus on skills development specifically to promote youth employment and contribute to Tshepo 1 Million. As part of the Master Skills Plan (MSP), the GDE together with the Gauteng Department of Economic Development (GDED), Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETA’s) and private partners will introduce a range of skills development programmes and training opportunities, internship and learnership programmes that will give the youth in the province the edge when entering the job market. Pillar 3: Accelerated Social Transformation: Quality basic education is a lever to accelerate radical social transformation. The Department is focusing on bringing education into the 21st century. Pillar 4: Transformation of the State and Governance: This will be facilitated through the Gauteng City Region (GCR) capacity - building and skills development programme. The GCRA will focus on skills development of public servants. The focus will be on integrating the training of provincial and local government officials and supporting the creation of a seamless public service to support and realise the broader GCR vision. Pillar 5: Modernisation of the Public Service: This priority will align fully with modernising the delivery of public education. We will harness the power of ICT in schools and the education system. All teachers and learners will have progressive access to broadband and smart learning and teaching tools. This is consistent with the vision of the province to build a smart, knowledge-based innovation-driven Gauteng economy. Pillar 9: Re-Industrialisation of Gauteng Province: To boost employment and economic inclusion, the GDE will procure 75% of all goods and services from South African producers, especially Small, Medium and Micro-Sized Enterprises(SMMEs), township enterprises and black-owned, women and youth enterprises. This Education Roadmap focuses on long term priorities of our Province that we hope will make a real difference for our learners, teachers and communities. This roadmap links the Department with national and provincial commitments, and aligns our efforts throughout the education sector. The provincial mandate for the Sixth Administration in Gauteng includes: The GDE programmes will contribute directly to five provincial pillars detailed below:
• Economy, Jobs and Infrastructure • Education, Skills Revolution and Health • Integrated Human Settlements and Land Release
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 11
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