117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July

• Safety, Social Cohesion and Food Security • Building a Capable, Ethical and Developmental State

A6. The National Development Plan (NDP) The NDP’s vision for 2030 is that South Africans will have access to education and training of the highest quality, characterised by significantly improved learning outcomes. The NDP incorporates the key targets as set out in the Basic Education Sector Plan. The NDP for the Education Sector draws on “Action Plan to 2019: Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030” and the proposal contained in the Green Paper for Post School Education and Training in developing plans, strategies, programmes and policy initiatives. Achieving the objectives of the NDP will require a range of programmes that support the holistic development of all children. The NDP endeavours to produce highly – skilled individuals to meet the future needs of the economy and society. To achieve this cohesion the different parts of the education system must work together to enable learners to take different pathways that offer high quality learning opportunities. This demonstrates the clear link between Schools, FET Colleges, Universities and other education and training providers. To better prepare our young people for life and work opportunities we have introduced three curricula streams (academic, vocational and technical), that will address the diverse needs of young people for learning and development in our schools. A7. The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) The 2019 – 2024 MTSF identifies the Priorities to be undertaken to put the country on a positive trajectory towards the achievement of the 2030 vision. It sets targets for implementation of the priorities and interventions for the 5-year period, and states the Outcomes and Indicators to be monitored. The MTSF is now defined as the combination of a NDP Five Year Implementation Plan for the Priorities outlined in the Electoral Mandate and an Integrated Monitoring Framework.

The MTSF has derived seven priorities from the Electoral Mandate and State of the Nation Address:

• Priority 1: Economic Transformation and Job Creation • Priority 2: Education, Skills and Health • Priority 3: Consolidating the Social Wage through Reliable and Quality Basic Services • Priority 4: Spatial Integration, Human Settlements and Local Government

• Priority 5: Social Cohesion and Safe Communities • Priority 6: A Capable, Ethical and Developmental State • Priority 7: A better Africa and World

12 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20

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