117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July

Source/collection of data

SSIP database Learner registers SSIP database

Means of verification

Method of calculation

Total number of learners attending each of the Senior Secondary Improvement Programme (SSIP) camps.

Data limitations

Duplication or omission of names or ID numbers Incorrect capturing of information

Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle




New indicator


Desired performance

Improved learner performance in underperforming and fully functional and well resourced secondary schools. Chief Directorate: Coordination of Curriculum Implementation (Teacher Development) 3.7.1 To provide support services to targeted learners from disadvantaged communities SPM 204:Number of learners with access to the National School Nutrition Programme

Indicator responsibility

Strategic Objective

Indicator title

Short definition

National School Nutrition Programme Policy


To measure access to free healthy meals at school. NSNP is a school feeding programme introduced to improve learner health and performance by providing nutrition for poor learners. Quintile 1 to 3 schools are eligible for the grant

Policy linked to

Health promotion and improving learner performance

Source/collection of data

National School Nutrition Programme Term 1 (Quarter 4) database to be used as evidence

Means of verification Method of calculation

Declaration signed-off register as per enrolment from EMIS

Record all learners that are benefiting from National School Nutrition Programme

Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle





New indicator


Desired performance

Learners from no-fee paying schools provided with a nutritious meal on a daily basis while at school

Indicator responsibility Strategic Objective

Chief Directorate:School Support

3.7.1 To provide support services to targeted learners from disadvantaged communities SPM 205: Number of learners eligible to benefit from learner transport The Department offers scholar transport to learners that do not have access to schooling close to their homes. This forms part of the Departments attempt to increase access to schooling.

Indicator title Short definition


To ensure that all learners have access to school

Policy linked to

Learner Transport Policy

Source/collection of data

Learner Transport database In-year records based on L1 forms

142 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20

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