117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July


To measure number of schools where scheduled maintenance was implemented and completed. Routine maintenance of school’s facilities in our country is generally unacceptable, resulting in further deterioration over time. The ongoing neglect exposes learners to danger, de-motivates educators and cost the state more and more over time as buildings collapse.

Policy linked to


Source/collection of data

NEIMS or School Infrastructure database. Completion certificates.

Means of verification

Database of schools with scheduled maintenance completed. The evidence could include province-specific items such as letters of satisfaction provided by the school, Works Completion Certificates etc. Count the total number of schools with scheduled maintenance completed

Method of calculation

Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle New indicator






Desired performance Indicator responsibility

Schools to be conducive for learning and teaching

Chief Directorate: Physical Resource Planning & Property Management

PROGRAMME 7: Examination and Education Related Services Indicator title

PPM701: Percentage of learners who passed National Senior Certificate (NSC) This indicator measures the total number of NSC learners who passed in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners who wrote the National Senior Certificate. To measure the efficiency of the schooling system in the current financial year.

Short definition


Policy linked to

MTSF and Examinations and Assessments National Senior Certificate database List of National Senior Certificate learners

Source/collection of data Means of verification Method of calculation

Numerator: total number of learners who passed NSC examinations Denominator: total number of learners who wrote the National Senior Certificate (NSC) Multiply by 100 The total includes learners in Programmes 2, 3 and 4. The figure used is based on the announcement of the Minister in January of each year.

Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle





New indicator


Desired performance

To increase the number of Grade 12 learners that are passing the NSC examinations. Directorate: Coordination of Curriculum Implementation/Examinations and Assessment

Indicator responsibility

136 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20

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