117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part D: Annexures
Method of calculation
Numerator: total number of special schools serving as resource centres Denominator: total number of specials schools Multiply by 100
Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle
New indicator
Desired performance
All special schools to serve as resource centres. Target for year to be met or exceeded.
Indicator responsibility
Chief Directorate: School Management
Indicator title Short definition
PPM402: Number of learners in public special schools
Number of learners enrolled in special schools. Special School: Schools resourced to deliver education to learners requiring high-intensity educational and other support on either a full-time or a part-time basis. The learners who attend these schools include those who have physical, intellectual or sensory disabilities or serious behaviour and/or emotional problems, and those who are in conflict with the law or whose health-care needs are complex. To measure access to education for special needs children, to provide information for planning and support for special school’s purposes
Policy linked to
White Paper 6
Source/collection of data
Provincial data warehouse
Means of verification
Declarations signed-off by principals when they submit completed survey forms or electronic databases and co-signed by the Circuit and District Managers (electronic or hardcopy) Count the total number of learners enrolled in public Special Schools. Completeness and accuracy of survey forms or electronic databases from schools
Method of calculation
Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle
New indicator
Desired performance
All learners with physical, intellectual or sensory disabilities or serious behaviour and/or emotional problems, and those who are in conflict with the law or whose health-care needs are complex to attend special schools.
Indicator responsibility
Chief Directorate: Education Planning and Research (EMIS)
Indicator title Short definition
PPM403: Number of therapists/specialist staff in special schools This indicator measures the total number of professional non-educator/specialist staff employed in public special schools. Professional non-educator staff is personnel who are classified as paramedics, social workers, therapists, nurses but are not educators. Note that although therapists, counsellors and psychologists are appointed in terms of the Employment of Educators Act these should all be included in the total. To measure professional support given to learners and educators in public special schools
Policy linked to
White Paper 6
Source/collection of data
PERSAL database PERSAL database
Means of verification
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 129
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