117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Method of calculation
Count the total number of professional non-educator staff employed in public special schools.
Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle
Completeness and accuracy of PERSAL information
New indicator
Desired performance
All public special schools to have the requisite number of school based professionals staff
Indicator responsibility
Chief Directorate: School Management (Inclusion)
PROGRAMME 5: Early Childhood Development Indicator title
PPM501: Number of public schools that offer Grade R
Short definition
This indicator measures the total number of public schools (ordinary and special) that offer Grade R.
To measure provision of Grade R in public schools.
Policy linked to
White Paper 5
Source/collection of data
Provincial data warehouse
Means of verification
Signed-off declaration by Principal or District Manager (electronic or hardcopy) or other formal record as determined by the Province. Count the number of public schools (ordinary and special) that offer Grade R
Method of calculation
Data limitations Type of indicator Calculation type Reporting cycle New indicator
Desired performance
All public schools with Grade 1 to offer Grade R. Target for year to be met or exceeded.
Indicator responsibility
Chief Directorate: Education Planning and Research (EMIS)
Indicator title
PPM502: Percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R education Number of Grade 1 learners in public schools who have attended Grade R in public ordinary and/or special schools and registered independent schools/ECD sites expressed as a percentage of total number of learners enrolled in Grade 1 for the first time, excluding learners who are repeating. This indicator measures the readiness of learners entering the schooling system and records children who were exposed to Early Childhood Development stimuli in the prior financial year. Signed-off declaration by Principal or District Manager (electronic or hardcopy). Provincial record systems Numerator: total number of Grade 1 learners in Public ordinary school who had formal Grade R in the previous year Denominator: total Grade 1 learners enrolled in public ordinary schools, for the first time, excluding learners who are repeating Multiply by 100 White Paper 5 and MTSF Provincial data warehouse
Short definition
Policy linked to
Source/collection of data
Means of verification
Method of calculation
130 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20
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