117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Grant purpose
To help accelerate construction, maintenance, upgrading and rehabilitation of new and existing infrastructure in education that includes district and circuit accommodation as well as to enhance capacity to deliver infrastructure in education. In addition, the grant seeks to address damage to infrastructure and to address achievement of the targets as set out in the minimum norms and standards for school infrastructure. Improved quality of education service delivery by provincial departments as a result of an improved and increased stock of schools’ infrastructure. An aligned and coordinated approach to infrastructure development at the provincial sphere. Enhanced education infrastructure expenditure patterns. Better quality response to the rehabilitation of school infrastructure. Improved rates of employment and skills development in the delivery of infrastructure. Outcome Statements
C2.2 HIV and AIDS (Life Skills Education) Grant
Strategic goal
Addressing social and structural drivers on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Tuberculosis (TB) prevention, care and impact and preventing new HIV, STIs and TB infections. To increase access to sexual and reproductive health services including HIV as well as TB services for learners and educators, with a specific focus on schools that are in high priority areas.
Grant purpose
To support South Africa’s HIV prevention strategy by providing comprehensive sexuality education and access to sexual and reproductive health services to learners and educators. To mitigate the impact of HIV and TB by providing a caring, supportive and enabling environment for learners and educators. To reduce the vulnerability of children to HIV, TB and STIs, with a focus on orphaned children and girls.
Outcome Statements
Increased HIV, STIs and TB knowledge and skills amongst learners, educators and officials. Decrease in risky sexual behaviour among learners, educators and officials. Decreased barriers to retention in schools, for vulnerable learners and girls.
C2.3 National School Nutrition Programme Grant
Strategic goal
To enhance learning capacity and to improve access to education.
104 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20
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