117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July

Part C: Links to Other Plans

Grant purpose

To provide nutritious meals to targeted learners.

Outcome statements

Enhanced learning capacity and improved access to education.

C2.4 Mathematics, Science and Technology Grant (MST) Strategic goal

To strengthen the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) and the Action Plan 2019 by increasing the number of learners taking Maths, Sciences and Technology subjects, improving the success rates in the subjects and improving teacher capabilities. Grant purpose To provide support and resources to schools, teachers and learners in line with the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for the improvement of MST teaching and learning at selected public schools.

Outcome statements

Improved learner participation and success in MST subjects in the province.

C2.5 Learners with Profound Intellectual Disabilities Grant Strategic goal

To ensure that learners with severe to profound intellectual disabilities access quality publicly funded education and support.

Grant purpose

To provide the necessary support, resources and equipment to identified care centres and schools for the provision of education to children with severe to profound intellectual disabilities (SPID).

Outcome statements Improved access to quality basic education for children with severe to profound intellectual disabilities in conditions that ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate active participation in the community.

C3. Public Entities The Department of Education has no public entities.

C4. Public – Private Partnerships There are no public-private partnerships contracts entered into by the Department.

Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 105

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