117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July

• Priority 7: Fourth Industrial Revolution, ICT and E-learning • Priority 8: Expand access to special schools and improve quality of programmes for Learners with Special Needs

Strategic Goal 3: Create safe schools that embody Social Cohesion, patriotism and non-violence

The province has identified various factors that impact directly on Social Cohesion in schools and the quality of teaching and learning. While schools are affected by significant social ills, many schools still lack programmes that can enhance social cohesion i.e. school sports: tournaments soccer, rugby, cricket, netball and athletics, partnerships trusts, girl child support and guidance. The major challenge caused by lack of social cohesion is that it brings together a series of distinct problems to address namely, school violence, prejudice, gatekeeping, systemic exclusion and exploitation. Safe and inclusive schools benefit all learners and is critical to learners reaching their full potential. School to put into place measures to ensure that children are safe and to introduce programmes to promote character building and respect for others. by promoting patriotism and instilling a sense of personal pride. This includes supporting learners to develop their identities. This will include promoting healthy lifestyles, anti-discriminatory practices and using sport to build teamwork and leadership. • Priority 9: Safe schools and Social Cohesion • Priority 10: School Sports: Tournaments Soccer, Rugby, Cricket, Netball and Athletics • Priority 11: School Health, Anti-Drugs Programmes, Girl Child Support and Guidance A significant component of the Reorganisation of Schools strategy is the twinning programme. The intention is to twin well-resourced schools with poor schools. The programme aims to improve academic performance by enabling schools to share their infrastructure and skills sets in terms of leadership and school governance. We must work to ensure that schools are well maintained the role of the SGB and Principal in dealing with the minor and emergency repairs is critical. We must also ensure the most competent principals and teachers are recruited to ensure schools are successful. We must also work to ensure that disputes between key role-players is resolved and does not impact on learning and teaching. Strategic Goal 4: Change the Education Landscape to accelerate relevant and quality learning • Priority 12: Twinning and Resource Optimisation, small schools and normalisation of grade structure of schools • Priority 13: New Improved School Infrastructure – Adhering to National Norms and Standards, Eradication of Mobile Schools, Acceleration of School Maintenance and Mitigating Climate Change Effects, Creation of New Health Centres • Priority 14: Reposition Principals and Educator Development and Support • Priority 15: Increase and intensify SGB Support and Advisory Work • Priority 16: Improve District Support and Labour Dispute Resolutions Mechanism

4 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20

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