117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part A: General Information & Strategic Overview
A1. Vision
Every learner feels valued and inspired in our innovative education system.
A2. Mission
We are committed to provide functional and modern schools that enable quality teaching and learning to protect and promote the right of every learner to quality, equitable and relevant education.
A3. Goals
Strategic Goal 1: Early Childhood Development (ECD)
The early years of a child are critical for the acquisition of the concepts, skills and attitudes that lay the foundation for lifelong learning. These include the acquisition of language, perception-motor skills required for learning to read and write, basic numeracy concepts and skills, problem-solving skills and a love of learning. With quality ECD provision in the province, educational efficiency would improve, as children would acquire the basic concepts, skills and attitudes required for successful learning and development prior to or shortly after entering the system, thus reducing their chances of failure. This priority will ensure that all learners have access to Grade RR and Grade R and Grade R and pre-Grade R practitioners get training to improve their qualification levels and competence. • Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR The strategic focus of all our transformation strategies is the learner and the quality of learning attained for effective and lifelong growth, development and well-being. Gauteng’s education change strategy embodies vital principles, grounded in research, that are associated with meaningful and sustainable change. Changes are respectful of professional knowledge and practice. To ensure effective teaching and learning, the focus of our strategies is geared towards the learners and the classroom as a unit of change. For effective teaching and learning to take place, we have to ensure that classrooms are fully functional. This will be done by focusing on effective curriculum management and delivery that ensures quality learning and teaching in all our institutions. Ensure continuous teacher development. The delivery of the curriculum is premised on the need for resourced based learning and teacher development. • Priority 2: Strengthening Foundations across all GET Grades • Priority 3: Defending the “crown” – continuing the improvement of quality learning in the FET Band • Priority 4: Expand and enhance Schools of Specialisation • Priority 5: Provincial, National, Regional and International Learner Assessments • Priority 6: Skills for a Changing World including Technical High Schools Strategic Goal 2: Promote Quality Education across all classrooms and schools
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 3
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