117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part A: General Information & Strategic Overview
• Priority 17: Resolve Education Disputes and implement Resolutions: Intervention Unit
Strategic Goal 5: To address the needs of Gauteng Youth through development programs and increasing youth Employability Young people are a very diverse group with different characteristics and often multiple needs at different stages of their youth. They need a range of policy and programmatic responses to the various steps along their paths from school to work. Fewer people enter employment with diplomas and degree while majority struggle to accumulate post school qualifications. Introduction of technical and vocational education system is a means for youth to enter the labour market. – Developing pathways for young people to positive economic activity – Economic Transformation and Participation: youth as strategic participants in growing the economy of the province – Education and Skills Development: seeks to create enabling support through the provisioning of career awareness opportunities, financial support and bursaries, internships and learnerships as part of interventions for school to work transitions • Priority 18: Develop a Master Skills Programme aligned to skills required by the Fourth Industrial Revolution • Priority 19: Continue with the Bursaries Programmes targeting the poor and critical skills • Priority 20: Promote Young Writers and Publications for use in schools Strategic focus of the province:
A4. Values We uphold the following core institutional values that are focused on Learner IMPACT:
I ntegrity (honesty and truth)
M otivated
P assionate
A ccountable
C ommitted
T ruth
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 5
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