SACAA Annual Report 2022_23

PART C I Governance

Committee met quarterly to review the assurance reports and monitor the implementation of the Combined Assurance annual plan. Implementation of identified risk mitigations Action Plans were monitored by Management and the Audit

and Risk Committee on a quarterly basis. This was to improve the SACAA’s control environment and to reduce risks to an acceptable level. The quarterly combined assurance reports were reviewed by the Executive Committee (ExCo), the Audit and Risk Committee and the SACAA Board.

19. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY The SACAA maintained its compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act by ensuring that there were sufficient occupational health and safety representatives appointed and that all of them were trained and qualified first aiders and firefighters. The role of these representatives was to review the effectiveness of health and safety measures, identify potential hazards and to report any incidents and accidents. Monthly audits were 20. B-BBEE COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

conducted by the OHS representatives to ensure that employees continued to work in a safe and conducive environment. The OHS committee met on a quarterly basis to discuss and resolve any OHS related matters and to come up new and innovative ideas on how to improve health and safety in the workplace for employees and clients.

Under preferential procurement, and in line with the organisation’s target, the SACAA was audited by an independent agency to determine its B-BBEE status. Based on the audit the SACAA was downgraded from a level 2 contributor to a level 4. Table 26 depicts the SACAA’s B-BBEE compliance status. Management Control Sub-Element Indicator

The main reason is that it submitted its skills plan after the due date to the Department of Labour. Due to the late submission the SACAA did not score any points for Skills Development.

Weighting Points

Compliance Target



Board Participation

Exercisable voting rights of black board members as a percentage of all board members Exercisable voting rights of black female board members as a percentage of all board members Black persons who are executive directors as a percentage of all executive directors Black female executive directors as a percentage of all executive directors


33.00% 100.00% 2.50


16.50% 60.00% 2.50


33.00% 100.00% 2.00


16.50% 100.00% 2.00

132 I Annual Report 2022/23 I Governance

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