Programme Strategy Taking My Business Online
Version 1 Date: 30 Nov 2021 Page 3 of 12
Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online
1. Programme Strategy Model
The following model was used in the design of the programme: To equip small businesses with the requisite skills, knowledge, and experience to establish and maintain an online presence to improve their businesses.
Conduct needs analysis of target group
Feed results of the needs survey into the design and content of the learning programme.
Pre-Reading Conducting
Establishing your Digital Presence
Promoting your Digital Presence
Transitioning to a Digital World
My Business and I
The Online Ecosystem
Business in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
2. Introduction
The fourth industrial revolution has profoundly affected the way business is done and small businesses must evolve or perish. The Covid-pandemic has had a devastating impact on small businesses and the recessionary economic conditions have necessitated a reimagining of how we do business. To achieve a digital approach to conducting business, it is important to realise that the “technology is not a panacea for all our ills”, it is merely a medium to do better business. Therefore, technology and automation must be used as an enabler to help meet our customers’ needs better. The use of digital technology should not result in widening the distance between customers and businesses but rather narrowing that gap.
3. Purpose
The purpose of the Programme Strategy is to give a broad view of the approach to the implementation, delivery and evaluation of this skills programme. This Programme Strategy document outlines the alignment strategy of the learning programme to the Outcomes-Based Education and Training format and approach.
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