Programme Strategy Taking My Business Online

Version 1 Date: 30 Nov 2021 Page 1 of 12

Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

Programme Strategy: Skills Programme

Taking My Business Online


Version 1 Date: 30 Nov 2021 Page 2 of 12

Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

Table of Contents

1. PROGRAMME STRATEGY MODEL ....................................................................................................... 3

2. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3

3. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................... 3

4. PROGRAMME OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 4

5. PROGRAMME DESIGN AND DELIVERY ............................................................................................... 5

6. FACILITATION STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................... 7

7. ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................... 8

8. EVALUATION STRATEGY ....................................................................................................................... 9

9. ROLL-OUT STRATEGY AND WORKPLACE APPLICATION ............................................................ 10

10. MODULE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 11


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

1. Programme Strategy Model

The following model was used in the design of the programme: To equip small businesses with the requisite skills, knowledge, and experience to establish and maintain an online presence to improve their businesses.

Conduct needs analysis of target group

Feed results of the needs survey into the design and content of the learning programme.

Pre-Reading Conducting

Establishing your Digital Presence

Promoting your Digital Presence

Transitioning to a Digital World

My Business and I

The Online Ecosystem

Business in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

2. Introduction

The fourth industrial revolution has profoundly affected the way business is done and small businesses must evolve or perish. The Covid-pandemic has had a devastating impact on small businesses and the recessionary economic conditions have necessitated a reimagining of how we do business. To achieve a digital approach to conducting business, it is important to realise that the “technology is not a panacea for all our ills”, it is merely a medium to do better business. Therefore, technology and automation must be used as an enabler to help meet our customers’ needs better. The use of digital technology should not result in widening the distance between customers and businesses but rather narrowing that gap.

3. Purpose

The purpose of the Programme Strategy is to give a broad view of the approach to the implementation, delivery and evaluation of this skills programme. This Programme Strategy document outlines the alignment strategy of the learning programme to the Outcomes-Based Education and Training format and approach.


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

4. Programme Overview

Programme name: Taking my Business Online


This programme has been developed to meet the needs of business owners who wish to establish and maintain an online presence for the purpose of overcoming business challenges brought about by the Covid- 19 pandemic. To provide the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes for online business processes that will lead to an improvement in the overall business. It is assumed that learners participating in this programme are competent in Communication at NQF Level 3. No previous website experience is required however it is expected that all learners will have basic computer literacy in operating a device such as a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. The programme is aimed at the thousands of small business owners who have had to embrace online and digital technology to survive as businesses.


Entry Level Requirements:

Target Population Analysis:


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

5. Programme Design and Delivery

Learning Strategy


It is intended that the training programme be practical and experiential in nature. Therefore , it is made up of 70% practical and 30% theory. There is some background reading that needs to be completed on “Doing Business in the 4 th Industrial Revolution”. The skills application is done through experiential learning during the training and in the application exercises that are provided throughout the course. Activities completed during the training (group/individual, self-study, workplace experience and assignments) are used as formative assessments which will culminate in the award of an attendance certificate. The total number of notional hours for this programme is 200. This is made up by the following: The total number of contact hours, including assessment, will be 40 hours for classroom-based training. If it is not possible to do classroom-based training, then online platforms such as Zoom, or MS Teams should be used. This makes provision for the explanation of theoretical concepts, some experiential learning, formative assessment, and coaching. There is a summative assessment for this skills programme in the form of a website functionality checklist. The remaining 160 hours are made up of additional reading, any research conducted and self-study. It includes the time allowed for the learner to complete the formative assessment activities. Where possible, it would be ideal if the learners had an opportunity to work on their own websites. A practical step by step guide will be given to learners which can be implemented systematically over a 21-day period. The learner is the owner of the learning process and should take responsibility for it. The learning will be facilitated by means of a learning guide. Learners are expected to attend online contact sessions and adhere to the facilitation plan, which contains such prescribed activities such as the completion off formative activities; application of skills learnt in workplace; completion of any assignments and preparation for assessments and engaging in research and working in groups. Most importantly the learner must complete all assignment activities by physically engaging with online activities required.

Notional Hours

Practical Experience

Learner Role & Responsibilities


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

Provider Role & Responsibilities

The Provider will provide the facilitation and has the responsibility to create the optimum conditions in which the learners can achieve the prescribed competence. This involves facilitation of contact sessions, coaching and mentoring during the pursuit of assignments, support, and guidance through evidence collection [especially RPL] assignments and formative and summative assessment.

Summary of Hours Allocated

Contact Phase

40 hours 150 hours 10 hours

Research, Assignments and Portfolio building

Website Assessment


200 hours


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

6. Facilitation Strategy


Classroom activities focus on experiential learning and active participation, using a variety of methodologies. A range of interactive instructional strategies such as group work, role-plays, simulations , and case studies are used during the contact session.

Where possible, additional information will be provided to the learners for self- study and/or additional reading purposes on operating a business online.

The content is facilitated with the aid of a learner guide and a facilitator guide. Media and training aids, such as data projection, flipcharts, white board, videos. To enhance learning, online links will be shared with learners so that they can physically apply the knowledge gained in the contact sessions. A key resource in this regard will be access to reliable internet connection for the learner to operate within an online ecosystem. Contact hours to facilitate the content and intent of the unit standards comprise of a minimum of 40 hours. This makes provision for experiential learning, formative assessments and coaching in preparation for the final website assessment. The training is divided into modules to ensure all learning outcomes are covered and to ensure that learning is conducted cumulatively based on the principle of building from the known to the unknown.




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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

7. Assessment Strategy


This is not an accredited programme therefore there is no competency assessment for the purpose of acquiring credits. However , there will be a series of formative assessment activities which are interspersed over the 5-week period. There is a final summative assessment project where the learner is expected to successfully complete the setting up of a new website to prove practical application of skills learnt. Assessment methods will be applied through online channels such as Zoom and or MS Teams. The Internet is a key resource requirement for the completion of the formative activity and for the final summative project where the learner must demonstrate the functionality of the website. As this is not an accredited programme, recognition of prior learning will be granted to allow learners not to repeat formative activities they might already have completed previously.

Methods & Instruments Assessment Resources Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

8. Evaluation Strategy

Evaluation, with documented feedback reports, is done with respect to the following:

Result of the programme, such as:

 Learner reaction on completion of the programme.  Achievement of the outcomes of the programme.  Successful application in the workplace and impact of the training in the work environment.

Programme Structure and Content, such as:

 Accessibility of learning resources and material.  Facilitation equipment, aids, and material.  Level and depth of learning content.  Venue.  Logistic support.  Programme timing.

Programme Process, such as:

 Method and interval of the training.  Facilitation skills and methodologies.  Scheduling of activities.  Appropriateness of assessment methods.  Applicability of assessment instruments.  Follow-up evaluation of the learner.


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

9. Roll-Out Strategy and Workplace Application


The Roll Out Strategy provides an overview on how this skills programme is divided into modules for implementation purposes. It is provider focused.

Overall roll out strategy of the skills programme

The Skills Programme is divided into 5 modules that are facilitated during the contact sessions or online sessions and is followed by the completion of the formative assessment activities.

The approach lays down the foundational knowledge, followed by process and methodology; concluded with skills application and reflexive problem solving in the form of activities.

Recommended Sequence of Learning

The content is arranged in a chronological sequence as represented diagrammatically below. Although each module is centred on the main theme of online business, they do deal with separate (but related) issues that link to digitalisation within a fourth industrial revolution context.

Pre-reading: Conducting Business in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Module 1: My Business and I

Module 2: The Online Ecosystem

Module 4: Establishing My Digital Presence

Module 3: Transitioning to the Digital World

Module 5: Promoting My Digital Presence

Final Website Assessment


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online

10. Module Description


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Explain the differences between traditional business and online based business  Define and understand the terms online, digital, e-commerce and 4 th industrial revolution  Describe how business will be impacted by the rapid pace of technological development


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Conduct a needs analysis of the business using an online diagnostic tool  Conduct a 360-degree self-evaluation to understand your entrepreneurial aptitude  Set SMART goals for your business


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Describe the components of an online ecosystem  Explain how the components of an online ecosystem can be harmonised into an online business  Convert business goals into an action plan for online delivery


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Use the business diagnosis done in the previous module to understand what can be transitioned to a digital format.

 Define your offering.  Register a domain.

 Understand how a website gets hosted.  Install WordPress and Set up WordPress.


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Add Plug-Ins and social media links  Explain how to use a search engine to optimise your website  Devise an online sales strategy


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Programme Strategy: Skills Programme : Taking my Business Online


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Understand the different components of digital marketing  Develop a better understanding of paid advertising: Pay Per Click and Facebook Advertising  Understand the implications of the POPI Act in relation to advertising  Understand the risks associated with using social media


You will be required to prove your website is live. This will be assessed using a checklist to ensure the functionality of the website.

Development of Guides

This programme strategy provides a guideline for the development of the following Guides:

 Learner guide  Facilitator Guide  Website Assessment Checklist  Power Point presentation


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