Module 2-The Online Ecosystem Final LK
The end of the buyer’s journey or the bottom of the funnel
This is the same content as your paper-based brochure. Your buyers want a seamless digital platform, but they want a good provider. It’s time for you to show why they should pick you. On your website ensure your product pages are full of testimonials, product review, value propositions and reasons for them to pick you instead of another competitor. The most common mistake now is thinking inside-out instead of outside-in.
Address what your buyer’s care about and their concerns with the right message and you will see a much higher conversion rate.
3.2The amount of content on your site
This is about the buyer’s (your potential customer’s) journey. The more you hook your buyer in further down the funnel, the more they will read from you. Quality over quantity is always the rule!
At the start of the journey you are dealing with strangers – people who have never heard of you, who landed on your website. This is where you grab their attention on your online digital ecosystem – and you want to give them more information. Pairing search queries with helpful blog content that quickly and efficiently addresses problems or concerns is how to do this. Don’t overwrite and oversell too early on in the process.
In the middle of the journey , find ways to educate prospects (buyer’s) with helpful digital resources, more blog content, or web pages means a bit more contents. Take note of the following:
What do your competitor’s write?
How long is it?
Does it match the buyer’s you’ve come to know and love? Are their gaps in length you can address? Are there gaps in content type or format you are well positioned to provide?
If you know your prospects love videos and no one else is doing it, try use it in your ecosystem so they land on your website. For example, you could send an email with a link to a video that is promoting your product or service.
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