Name of the Objective (IP01): Review the state of health and safety at mines. Definition: Assess OHS trends, disasters, and review the status of milestones implementation. Initiative 4: Review quarterly progress of the Summit Milestones implementation and advise the Minister. • The reports generated from the system were analysed and advice provided to Council. The analysis of the report for the 16 mines indicates that most mines have started the process of implementing CTF milestones, and those that are behind on certain elements will recover by the due date of December 2020 for 100% implementation of CTF. • As at end of the financial year, sixteen (16) mines had reported on the system and an indication of an average implementation rate of seventy-five percent (75%) for CTF pillars was observed. The MHSC intends to conduct an audit through an independent service provider to verify information reported by mines on the milestones before hosting of the Summit. Reasons for Variance • The process for the analysis of the report only commenced during the third and fourth quarter after a service provider was appointed. Name of the Objective (IP02): Create the first port of call on all mining OHS matters within the South African mining industry through OHS knowledge hub. Definition: Create a mining OHS knowledge hub and implementation of Centre of Excellence Strategic Objectives. Primary Measure: Percentage of achievement of initiatives Target for the Year: 90% Actual: 44% Variance: 46% % of target achieved: 49% Status: Not Achieved Initiative 1: Facilitate the elimination of exposure to high occupational health and safety risk to mine employees and communities affected by mining activities by conducting high impact research. • During the 2019/20 financial year fifty-three (53) milestones were due and forty-five (45) milestones were delivered resulting in eighty-five percent (85%) achievement. • Reasons for non-delivery include, amongst others, the milestone reports that were not approved by the technical experts and suggested more revisions, inability of the service provider to conduct site visit due to Covid-19 restrictions, capacity challenges experienced by the service providers, and delays in obtaining the ethical clearance. Reasons for Variance • Reasons for non-delivery includes amongst others the milestone reports that were not approved by the technical experts and suggested more revisions, inability of the service provider to conduct site visit due to Covid-19 restrictions, capacity challenges experienced by the service providers and delays in obtaining the ethical clearance. Initiative 2: Facilitate improvement of the utilisation and sustainability of MHSC and MHSC funded national research assets and facilities. • To measure the utilisation and sustainability of seed funded assets, the MHSC developed a quarterly reporting template to be used by the facilities to assess whether there was any value derived. • The MHSC was monitoring utilisation of the seed funded assets on a quarterly basis through submission of the reports. The CytoViva HIS system at NIOH is being used by other sectors for testing and is still undergoing quality assurance and method of analysis validation by an accredited institution which was delayed. The microscope can only be utilised by the SAMI once this process is finalised during the next financial year. • The following seed funded facilities are at still being researched: ◊ Acoustic Camera and ◊ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV- Drone).



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