Name of the Objective (CP01): Provide advice to the Minister of Mineral Resources on occupational health and safety matters in the South African Mining Industry and on health and safety issues affecting communities because of mining activities. Definition: Delivery against MHSC Mandate and Mine Health and Safety Tripartite including implementation of the Summit Action Plan. Primary Measure: Percentage of achievement of initiatives Target for the Year: 100% Actual: 81% % of target achieved: 81% Status: Not Achieved Initiative 1: Develop and submit four (4) Legislative Advisory Notes to the Minister. The following legislative advisory notes were submitted to the Minister: (a) Guideline for compilation of a mandatory code of practice for the management of working in confined spaces at times. (b) Illumination Guidelines for Equipment Operating in the South African Mining Industry. (c) Protection of Surface and the Workings Regulations (Chapter 14). (d) Chapter 3 regulations dealing with electricity. Initiative 2: Develop and submit a Legislative Advise Programme of the following financial year to the Minister • Council developed and submitted the Legislative Advice Programme, outlining key regulations which Council will review or develop in the following financial year to the Minister. Initiative 3: Develop and submit four (4) Advisory Notes on OHS from COE to the Minister. The following advisory notes on OHS from CoE were submitted to the Minister: (a) Advisory Note on the Assess the Feasibility of Reducing Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) Exposure. (b) Adverse Health Impacts Associated with Dust Emissions from Mine Tailings. (c) A dvisory note on “a situational analysis for Occupational Health Practitioners with specific reference to Section 12(1) and 13(3) of the MHSA on the applicable ratio to service mines in order to make a meaningful impact to the improvement of Occupational Health in the SAMI”. (d) Advisory Note on the Advisory Note on the Guideline for the Compilation of a Mandatory Code of Practice for the Prevention of Flammable Gas Explosions in Mines other than Coal Mines. (c) Advisory Note on the Guidance Note for the Management and Control of HIV in the South African Mining Industry. (d) Advisory Note on the Guidance Note for the Management of Latent TB in the South African Mining Industry. Initiative 5: Develop and submit OHS Research Programme of the following financial year to the Minister. • The advisory note on OHS Research Programme of the following financial year was submitted to the Minister for approval. Initiative 6: Develop an implementation programme for Advisory Notes approved by the Minister. • Research outcome implementation plan developed and approved by Council. Initiative 7: Develop A Guidelines with Minimum Standards to address health and safety implications on mining rehabilitation. • The initiative was not implemented during the current financial year. The MHSC will still continue with the development of the guidelines during the next financial year for the SAMI as it is still required. In order to expedite the process of research that is required for the development of the rehabilitation guidelines, the MHSC will utilise CoE partners. Reasons for Variance • There were delays experienced in development of the guidelines due to capacity challenges within the CoE. The plan was to develop the guidelines internally but upon realisation of the above challenges the process of seeking a service provider started late, therefore there was no delivery. Initiative 4: Develop and submit four (4) OHS policies to the Minister. The following advisory notes on OHS policies were submitted to the Minister: (a) Use of 3HP for the treatment of and prevention of latent TB infection. (b) Advisory Note on the Alignment of TB and HIV Industry Data to the National Strategic Plan (NSP).



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