Limpopo Gambling Board Final
The institutional outcomes that programme 2 contributes towards:
Outcome 1: A sustainable, efficient, and effective organisation
Outcomes, outputs, output indicators, targets and actual achievements
The Entity strove to achieve clean administration through Programme 2 with regards to financial management led by the Chief Financial Officer. In the same breath, the programme strove for employment and the retention of a competent workforce. The targets set within the programme aimed to achieve the objective of the programme driven through Business Units being Finance, Supply Chain Management and Human Resource Management. Within the Finance division, the Entity strove for a continued clean administration and effective and efficient allocation of resources, which was aligned to the strategy of the Entity. The Supply Chain Management looked at mainly ensuring compliance with the various Supply Chain Management prescripts as it supported the core Business Units in implementation of the Entity’s strategy through the procurement of goods and services. Throughout the financial year, the Human Resource Management Unit ensured that the employees of the Entity were still able to carry out the mandate of the Entity amidst the pandemic. Through the support of the OHS committee, the Human Resource Management Unit ensured adequate compliance with the set-out regulations of the Department of Labour to ensure that the employees of the Entity remained productive and efficient in their individual work responsibilities. The programme dealt mainly with support of the Core Business Units and the targets set under the programme were internal in nature. The Entity was, therefore, not affected by any other external factors in the year under review. The Finance Business Unit set out to continue to maintain the unqualified audit opinion for the year under review, and the Unit was able to achieve the set target by receiving an unqualified audit opinion with no findings for the 2021/22 Financial Year audit. The Supply Chain Management Unit set out to achieve the core mandates of the province when it came to supporting SMMEs in the Province by ensuring that these were paid timeously within 30 days as set out by the prescripts. The Supply Chain Business Unit achieved 100% of its target regarding the payment of invoices of service providers within thirty (30) days. The Human Resource Management Unit set out to achieve continued development and assessment of employees through performance management. Additionally, the Unit set out to ensure that all newly appointed employees were vetted and their continued skills development for the existing human capital was implemented. The Unit achieved the administration of the performance management of the Entity, with regards to ensuring that all employees of the Entity have performed and completed both their individual performance agreements and performance appraisals.
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