Limpopo Gambling Board Annual Report 2022

From the various reports from Internal Auditors, the audit report on the Annual Financial Statements, as well as the Management Letter of the Auditor-General, it was noted that no significant misstatements were reported.

There were internal control deficiencies that resulted in findings on the Annual Financial Statements, however they were not significant.

Our review on the findings of Internal Audit work, which was based on the risk assessment conducted, revealed certain weaknesses which were reported to the Board.

The internal control weaknesses identified and reported by External Auditors in the prior year, Management monitored and adhered to the plan to ensure non recurrence.

The review process on non-compliance with regulations and misstatements on Annual Financial Statements will on an ongoing basis be intensified from the Audit and Risk Committee Internal Audit and Management. 15.4 In-Year Management and Monthly/Quarterly Report LGB has submitted monthly and quarterly reports to the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism and to the Provincial Treasury. 15.5 Evaluation of Financial Statements We have reviewed the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 and the Entity is satisfied that matters have been adequately resolved. The Entity concurs and accepts the conclusion of the External Auditors on the Financial Statements and are of the opinion that the Audited Financial Statements must be accepted and read together with the report of the Auditor-General. 15.6 Auditor’s Report The Audit Committee concurs and accepts the conclusions of the external auditor on the annual financial statements and is of the opinion that the audited annual financial statements be accepted and read together with the report of the auditor.

____________________________________ Mr. Joseph Nakedi Mpjane CA (SA) RA Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee Limpopo Gambling Board 31 May 2022


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