Limpopo Gambling Board Annual Report 2022

14. Social Responsibility

The Entity did not have a budget for Corporate Social Responsibility projects for the 2021/22 financial year, however a partnership was formed between the Entity, the Licensees and also LEDET to implement various projects. 15. Audit and Risk Committee Report 15.1 Introduction The Entity is pleased to present our report for the financial year ended 31 March 2022. The Limpopo Gambling Board has an Audit and Risk Committee which operates in terms of the Board’s approved Audit and Risk Committee Charter. The Audit and Risk Committee consists of the members listed hereunder and meets at least four (04) times per annum as per the Audit and Risk Committee Charter. During the year, five (05) scheduled and one (01) special Audit and Risk Committee Meetings were held.

The Committee is chaired by Mr Mpjane who is also a Board Member.

Name of Members


No. of Meetings Attended

Date Appointed

Mr. J.N. Mpjane CA (SA) RA Mr. M.B. Tema Professional Accountant (SA) Ms. M.M. Mashamaite CA (SA)

External Chairperson



External Board member



External Member External Member




Adv. J.L. Thubakgale


15.2 Audit and Risk Committee Responsibilities The Entity reports that there is compliance with responsibilities arising from Section 51(1) (a) (i)-(iv) of the Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulation 3.1.13. The Entity also reports that appropriate formal Terms of Reference has been adopted, as incorporated in the Audit and Risk Committee Charter. The Audit and Risk Committee has regulated its affairs in compliance with this Charter and has discharged all its responsibilities as contained therein. 15.3 The Effectiveness of Internal Control Based on the information given by Management, we are of the opinion that where the Internal Audit and the discussions with the External Auditors (AGSA) on the results of its audit are concerned, the internal controls are operating to ensure that the financial records may be relied upon for preparing the Annual Financial Statements, and accountability for assets and liabilities is maintained.


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