All newly appointed employees were made aware of the Entity’s code of conduct during induction.

If a member or employee became aware of, anticipated, or suspected corrupt conduct on the part of an organisation, a member of the public, or another Board Member or employee, he or she was required to report this matter to the Chairperson or the CEO without delay. 12. Health, Safety and Environmental Issues The Entity has an Occupational Health and Safety Committee. The Committee had an approved Charter in place. The approved Health and Safety Policy provides guidance and compliance towards a safe and healthy workplace. The Committee held quarterly meetings to ensure that the safety and well-being of employees was attended to. Monthly inspections were done to identify any risks and health issues. Matters which arose from the inspection reports were attended to immediately. Due to the COVID–19 pandemic, the Entity placed emphasis on all Health and Safety protocols which had to be followed at all times, including observance of guidelines for social distancing, sanitation and hygiene, and use of appropriate personal protective equipment, like cloth face masks, as determined by the National Department of Health. This was done until April 2022, when the State of Disaster was lifted. The Entity continued to monitor Health and Safety matters as it was done before the state of disaster was announced. The Entity has the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and also has a risk assessment for COVID-19 in place. 13. Company Secretary Although Limpopo Gambling Board was not obliged to appoint a company secretary as one would with an Entity that applies the Companies Act, the Entity nevertheless adopted best practices applied in the business sector and implemented them to uphold good Corporate Governance. The Limpopo Gambling Board has been operating without a Company Secretary; the Entity re advertised the post, and the post will be filled during the 2023/24 Financial Year. The recruitment process in this regard could not be concluded during the financial and the process will be concluded in the 2023/2024 Financial Year. 14. Social Responsibility The Entity did not have a budget for Corporate Social Responsibility projects for the 2022/23 Financial Year, however partnerships were formed with the Entity, the Licensees and also LEDET to implement various projects. The Entity funded 150 chairs to Charles Mathonsi High School as part of the contribution for Nelson Mandela Day. In partnership with licensees and LEDET, various donations were made at various schools and other community projects across the province. Appointment of Company Secretary



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